
Good communications can make the difference between a quality educational program and just a run-of-the-mill school. We feel it is of utmost importance that parents feel comfortable contacting the school as circumstances arise, whether it be positive feedback or differences of opinion. Christ commands us in Matthew 18:15 to take up our questions with the "brother" with whom we have the concern. As your child is of greatest importance to both of us, we are eager to join forces to ensure we have your child's best interest at heart.

Parents may contact the school at any time and arrange for a conference with the teacher or administrator. While teachers will not be called away from their classrooms except in cases of emergency, parents may call the school office at 662-4757 during school hours and leave a message for the teacher.

We encourage home-to-school communications. Never feel your question is too small or unimportant. Your child's well-being is of the greatest concern to us.

A weekly newsletter entitled The Parentline is sent home or emailed to you on Monday of every week. For school families where there are multiple children enrolled, it will be sent with the eldest child. This will be our main vehicle to keep you informed of the many activities occurring at school. In addition, you will receive periodic notes from your child's teacher pertaining to specific happenings in your child's individual classroom.

Email is also a tool utilized by the St. Paul's Staff and is often an easy way for parents and teachers to connect. Since we use an online grade service for grades one-and-up, parents should also be receiving weekly emails from Gradelink of their child(s) progress. Parents may access Gradelink to check grades online and find the titles of missing assignments.