Childcare Options

Toddler - Age 6 (not yet enrolled in Kindergarten)

At St. Paul's we believe in investing in the future of children, and to prove it, we have expanded our childcare options. If would like to tour our building, please contact the school office at (509) 663-9179 and arrange a visit. St. Paul's Childcare Center is located across the street from St. Paul's Church and is now serving children ages 1-6 years of age. The Childcare Center is open Monday-Friday from 6:30 AM - 6:00 PM and is closed on weekends and national holidays. Click here for our current rates and registration fees.

  • Serving Ages 12 months - 6yrs

  • Year-Round

  • Drop-In Care (if space available)

  • DSHS Accepted

School Age Children (kindergarten - 8th grade)

We have added an Extended Day Enrichment Program during the school year for elementary and prep school children. Contact the school office for more information about this program at (509) 662-4757. Click here for our rates.

  • Before and After School Care (7am - 8:05am & 3pm - 5:30pm)

  • Homework Assistance

  • Enrichment and Recreational Opportunities

  • Non-School Day/School Break Care Available

Summer Day Camp (Completed Kindergarten - Entering 8th Grade)

Come for the whole summer, purchase the weeks you want, or drop-in as needed. Click here for rates. For students not enrolled in school at St. Paul’s please choose the grade level EP on your application. The application process has 3 steps: inquiry, application, enrollment packet. Your student is not fully enrolled and cannot start until all 3 have been completed.

  • Full or Part-time* Care (Open 7am - 5:30pm) (*up to 5 hours)

  • Monthly, Weekly, or Drop-In available

  • Daily Schedules

  • Camp Themes

  • Enrichment and Recreational Opportunities