Teacher: Terri Kleinfeldt
Grade: Pre-K
What is taught in Pre-Kindergarten?
Our Pre-K students are introduced to classroom expectations and rules. Students learn to follow routines, to respect themselves, teachers, and others. They are reminded about using clear and kind words to express themselves. They are taught to follow directions, to share, and about the five ways to be a good listener. We work on skills such as letters, sounds, numbers, counting, writing names, numbers, shapes, etc. We introduce some simple sight words as we go through the year. I am a big fan of Children’s literature, so we do several lessons that are built around some of our favorite books. We work on graphing, identifying patterns, rhyming words, and developing fine and gross motor skills. We have some simple life-science learning experiences throughout the year also. Our learning comes through play time, art projects, circle time, and hands on exploration.
What curriculum is used in this class?
We have developed a Scope and Sequence for our Pre-K class that is modified slightly from year to year. This gives me a set of learning/teaching goals for the year. My objectives are set to meet those goals as I plan each month. I am always adding to my vast collection of material that is needed in order to meet the goals and objectives set. With my years of experience and education as a background, I am able to put together a well-rounded curriculum. I am always checking the needs of the group, though, and can adapt accordingly. I use some Saxon material for handwriting and number-formation help. I also use a variety of material that I find as I look for resources. Concordia Publishing’s (Lutheran) One In Christ materials are used for Bible lessons.
What field trips does this class take?
This class usually takes a couple of short walking field trips during the school year. We do have several visitors, though, that come present a program for us. Visitors usually include Ballard Ambulance, Wenatchee Pediatric Dentistry, Wenatchee Fire Department, Apple Blossom Royalty, Chelan County Sheriff’s Department, Wenatchee Police Department, and more. During the Spring we usually walk to Riverfront Park and ride the Miniature Train. Many of these events also include our Preschool, Young 5’s, and Kindergarten classes. On our last day of school we have a fun playground carnival. We participate in our School’s Jogathon at Washington Park, also.
What special things are done in this class?
We do a lot of Read Alouds and I do my best to make stories fun, sometimes acted out, or expanded
upon. One activity that we enjoy all year is our Show and Tell days. Each month every class member gets a turn to bring something special in the “Sharing Bag” for Show and Tell. Our Gingerbread theme is a favorite as we bake cookies that somehow escape from the oven. This leads to quite the hunt around our school. Another special day is our Pirate Day. We learn a lot about following our map and directions as we embark upon a treasure hunt. I try to keep things interesting as we learn and go through our year together. We do Chapel services twice a month. Our Bible lessons are also special times. I am so excited when they can recall the stories/lessons even weeks later. They love when our puppet, Zippy, comes to help with the lesson too.
Does this class do any theme days or special weeks or other celebrations?
This class has several theme days. Included are: Grandparents Day, Applesauce Day, (the kids help make applesauce), Thanksgiving Feast, Christmas program, Gingerbread baking day, Penguin Day, Pirate Day, A Patriotic parade, Mother’s Day Tea, Apple Blossom events, our Spring musical, School showcase, Dad’s Day, and Train day. National Lutheran Schools week is a fun week that we participate in as a school. We also are part of several All Campus events that may not be listed here. Teacher Comments: I feel like our kids feel very comfortable and connected here. I really see that they feel like they are with “family” when they are here at school. I see children very confident when trying new skills. And, I really notice how respectful and kind they seem to be to each other and to community members while participating in community events.
Teacher Comments:
I feel like our kids are comfortable and connected here. It’s always fun to see progress and confidence grow in each child throughout the year. I am blessed to be at a school where we can share God’s word and get kids excited about the Bible stories they hear in class and at Chapel. I think it’s good that our Early Childhood (preschool, Pre-K and Young 5) are able to do several activities together. We also do many activities with the Kindergarten class. I think it gives the kids more opportunities to work and learn as a team. I have seen so many examples of kids flourishing because of acceptance and patience and love from the staff here at St. Paul’s.